I am currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Linguistics and Information Studies, in the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. I co-founded the GameLab UNIL-EPFL. My academic interests revolve around the domains of game studies, digital humanities, and playful mathematics.
For a deeper insight into my work, you can explore some of the following channels:
- My published research papers and articles as well as conferences and seminars where I speak or participate as a panelist, both locally and internationally, and collaborative projects I engage in with fellow researchers and institutions across the globe
- The courses I teach at the University of Lausanne (or elsewhere)
- Conferences for a general audience and apparition in the media
- My blog (updated irregularly)
Please subscribe if you would like to receive future blog posts :

- GameLab UNIL-EPFL’s website
- Personal web page at the University of Lausanne
- ORCID (0000-0002-9588-9855)
- List of publications on Google Scholar
- Ma(th)stodon
- Twitter (dead account until there is a new owner)
- GitHub
- My (not so academic) blog at Le Temps (this blog is closed now, but still online: all blog posts have been imported back here)